Celebrate National Watermelon Day with These Fun Ideas!

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Did you know that August 3 is National Watermelon Day? What a time to be alive—an entire day devoted to the perfect summer fruit! If that’s not reason enough to set up a beachside picnic and devour a slice or two, we don’t know what is.

Whether you’re thinking of a last-minute weekend party, a bridal shower, or even a tropical-themed wedding, we’ve got some fun ideas to incorporate that delicious melon into your celebration! But first—and this is important—do you know how to pick the sweetest, ripest watermelon? Take a few tips from GWS: look for a melon with a big yellow underbelly that feels heavy for its size and give it a thump. It should make a hollow sound, not a dull one! There, you’re on your way to a sweet little celebration :)